Hey home baker!
Want to sell your DELICIOUS home baking, but it’s harder than you thought it would be?

🍪 Anxious that you don’t have enough money, time, confidence, or knowledge to create a Home Bakery?
🧁 Struggling to figure out how and where to get paying customers?
🥧 Frustrated that your best baking isn’t getting you consistent orders?
🍩 Feel intimidated by your competitors who attract heaps of customers?
🍰 Overwhelmed by trying to create a successful Home Bakery on your own?
🎂 Afraid that you might give it your all, only to see your new business FAIL a few months later?
Raised your hand to any/all of the above?
Then you’re in the right place!
I understand how you feel, because I’ve been there. And I’d love to help!
You are not alone.

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Home BAKERY TIPS & Ideas
to help you attract
more customers
Baking Tips & Tricks
to help you become a
better baker
to help you turn your baking
into a thriving business

How to Know if You’re READY to Start a Home Bakery
Unsure if you’re READY to start a Home Bakery Business? Is it knowledge, experience, talent or resources that make you ready? Actually NOT…

The 4 Essentials of Home Bakery Marketing
Struggling to get consistent Home Bakery clients & sales? You bake your heart out and know for a fact you’ve got great bakes, so WHY aren’t people buying? Truth is, if you’re struggling to get sales, you’ve got a MARKETING problem. In this post you’ll learn the 4 Essentials of REAL Home Bakery Marketing that every home bakery business owner needs to know. This is your marketing survival kit!

6 Reasons Why Home Bakeries Should NOT Bake Wedding Cakes
The wedding cake scene might be exciting and prestigious, BUT it’s (shockingly) NOT the most profitable source of income for a home baking business! I know this is completely going against everything you’ve SEEN in the baking world. It’s hard to even THINK about considering an alternative approach than wedding cakes. But if you’ve regularly been worrying about where your next customer is going to come from, this post is totally going to help you understand WHY you’re struggling to get consistent clients.

How to Promote Your Home Bakery Business & Get More Exposure
Want Home Bakery clients? Then it’s VITAL to get exposure and promote your Home Bakery Business! With these 5 easy tips you’ll start getting more clients! These tips apply for BOTH introverted and extroverted home bakers!

7 Books Every Home Bakery Business Owner Needs to Read
Please don’t be a book-allergic idiot like I was for the first 4 years in my home baking business. Start reading these books NOW so you can start changing the future of your home bakery and life. Reading is “boring”, but a successful business sure isn’t!